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Marylebone Smile Clinic
66 Harley Street, London W1G 7HD

Oral Hygiene After Veneers

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You have just received your brand-new porcelain veneers and you have the straight, white, symmetrical smile of your dreams. You’re so happy that it feels like you’re walking on a cloud!

But how can you keep this feeling for as long as possible? The answer is by following your cosmetic dentist’s instructions and maintaining good oral hygiene.

Doing so is essential to ensuring that your veneers look their best for as long as possible and don’t need replacing sooner rather than later.

Carry on reading to find out more about how you should care for your veneers the second you leave your cosmetic dentist’s clinic.

How to look after veneers

You should look after your veneers just like you should look after your natural teeth: brush twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss between teeth daily.

Doing so will clear away particles of food and drink that will otherwise cause a build-up of bacteria and plaque on the surface of, and between, teeth.

Some people may be under the impression that because veneers cover the natural tooth, they are maintenance-free. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

While it’s true that the veneer material may not decay as a natural tooth would, it is still possible for the tooth underneath the veneer to decay and become damaged, as well as your gums. This would lead to your veneers becoming at risk.

And this is on top of the aesthetic problems that can occur if you neglect your new set of porcelain veneers! Effort is required to keep them looking clean and your chosen shade. That being said, there are relatively few differences compared to looking after natural teeth.

What is the best toothpaste for veneers?

The best toothpaste for use with veneers is one that is fluoride-based or aimed at individuals with sensitive teeth.

Fluoride in toothpaste works to strengthen enamel which in turn fights tooth decay. This is incredibly important for individuals with veneers because if the tooth under the veneer experiences decay, then it can lead to the loss of the veneer and possibly even the whole tooth.

Sensitive toothpaste is also a good option for individuals with veneers because they contain anti-sensitivity agents. On the other hand, abrasive toothpaste such as charcoal toothpaste or toothpaste for smokers may cause aesthetic damage to the surface of the veneer with prolonged exposure and in combination with a hard toothbrush.

Furthermore, some people experience sensitive teeth after they receive veneers. This usually disappears after a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, sensitive toothpaste may help to alleviate symptoms.

Finally, an antimicrobial mouthwash can also help combat a build-up of bacteria in your mouth and keep your teeth clean as well as your breath fresh.

Do porcelain veneers stain?

Porcelain veneers are made of quality stain-resistant materials, but if proper oral hygiene is not followed (and certain foods/drinks are frequently consumed) then over time they can develop stains around the edges of the porcelain.

Composite veneers stain much easier than ceramic or porcelain veneers due to their porosity and flexibility, which contributes to their shorter lifespan before needing to be replaced.

What’s more, individuals with only a couple of veneers should be especially careful with their oral hygiene. If not, your natural teeth may develop stains which will cause them to appear a different colour to your veneer teeth, therefore affecting the aesthetics of your whole smile.

Drinks high in tannins, acidic drinks (such as cola), certain rich, coloured foods, and smoking can all contribute to staining your veneers.

How to stop tannin staining teeth veneers

Unfortunately, there is no secret method to stopping high-tannin drinks from staining your teeth. Instead, you have to follow good oral hygiene and clean your teeth after eating or drinking for the best chance of preventing stains.

Drinks that are high in tannins include:

  • Red wine
  • Tea
  • Coffee

Foods that can stain teeth include:

  • Berries
  • Curry
  • Tomato sauces

It is vital that you are mindful of what you are consuming when you have veneers. By accidentally eating or drinking at the wrong time when you don’t have access to toothpaste, you are simply setting yourself up for staining.

Fortunately, if you don’t have access to toothpaste, you can simply swill your mouth with water and this will help to fight stains – although not as much as a brush with toothpaste would.

Can you whiten veneers?

No, you cannot whiten veneers after they have been made. This is why it is important not to develop stains on the veneer’s surface. You can, however, reline the cement edge to improve stains at the edges of the ceramic. This is a specialised process that should only be performed by an experienced cosmetic dentist London like us at Marylebone Smile Clinic.

Before you receive your veneers, your natural teeth will be whitened to match the shade of the veneers. If you develop any discolouration on your natural teeth, then they can be whitened again to regain their aesthetics.

Can you whiten composite veneers?

No, you cannot whiten composite veneers as you would your natural teeth. However, with composites, you are advised to visit your dentist/dental hygienist every six months where they will clean your veneers and restore their shine.

Please note that this service will only be possible if your composite veneers are in good condition. If stains are too embedded then you may need your veneers to be replaced.

Caring for veneers from Marylebone Smile Clinic

We hope we have made you aware of just how important a good oral hygiene routine is for individuals with veneers.

If you regularly brush and floss your teeth with good quality toothpaste, and stay away from food, drink, or other items that can stain your teeth, then your porcelain veneers will look amazing for 10+ years.

We like to see our patients for check-up sessions and ensure that their teeth are healthy and their veneers look good. If you attend our check-ups and follow our aftercare instructions then you will be eligible for our 7-year guarantee that protects you and your veneers.

Please get in touch with us today over a virtual consultation or head to our clinic on Harley Street, London, to get started on your dream smile.

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