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Marylebone Smile Clinic
66 Harley Street, London W1G 7HD

Veneers for Peg Laterals

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Veneers are one of the most versatile treatment options for dental issues. There are many problems, both aesthetic and functional, that can be fixed by using porcelain veneers or ceramics. For example, discoloured front teeth and crooked teeth, and you may even be able to get veneers for overbites, underbites and for narrow smiles.

One issue that we come across often in our clinic is peg lateral incisors. Usually, people with this issue have had it for many years and is a concern from a young age. Peg lateral incisors refer to the two side teeth either side of the front teeth. In approximately 2% of the population, they do not develop at all and for a slightly larger percentage, they develop as diminutive, or ‘peg’ shapes. The term refers to their smaller than average shape in comparison to the neighbouring teeth.

Normal tooth proportions can be defined if you view the smile from a front facing position and observe the width of each tooth in relation to the next one as we progress from front to back. The front tooth should be 1.6x the width of the lateral incisor and in the case of peg laterals, the central (front) incisor is greater than 1.6x the width. This is only a rule of thumb, and is based on Golden Proportions, that exist in many areas in nature. In reality, there is some flexibility with the ratios depending on your body proportions, age, sex and personality, however, Golden Proportion serves as a starting point in determining if one has peg laterals.

So how can veneers be used to treat peg laterals? Keep reading for information from one of the best rated and Accredited clinics for porcelain veneers in the UK.

What are peg lateral incisors?

Lateral incisors are the teeth that separate your front teeth (the central incisors) from the canines. Some people have an issue with their teeth where the lateral incisors, primarily the upper (maxillary) incisors, do not form correctly during development. Instead, they are smaller and may appear cone shaped.

The term for this lack of development is agenesis. While the exact reason for agenesis of the lateral incisors is unknown, it is likely to be related to genetics. We find that people with peg lateral teeth often also have family members with the same issue.

How to fix peg teeth with veneers in London?

First of all, why might you want to fix peg laterals?

A peg lateral tooth is primarily a cosmetic issue, but can cause bite related problems due to asymmetric spread of space across the teeth. This can accelerate tooth wear long term. Because the lateral incisors are so prominent at the front of your mouth, they are very easily visible when you smile. The disparity of size and shape in comparison to the front teeth will make the peg teeth stand out even more.

Gaps of a certain size between your lateral incisors and the neighbouring teeth can increase the food packing and subsequent plaque accumulation in the area. This may result in a higher risk of developing periodontal or gum disease.

In summary, there are three reasons to fix peg laterals: aesthetics, gum health and bite health

At Marylebone Smile Clinic, we prefer to treat peg lateral incisors with ceramics or veneers. Feel free to read more at our page veneers London. We find that this treatment provides the most benefits for our patients and gives them the best quality smile over the short and the long-term.

Veneers on peg laterals are possible because there is an underlying tooth structure on which to apply the veneers. If the lateral incisors are missing and the gap is too big, then veneers may not be a suitable option. Secondly, a holistic assessment of your smile is recommended, so that we can optimise the space distribution and balance of the smile overall. Whilst it is tempting to focus just on the peg laterals, we are here to advise on managing the overall smile so that the result will stand the test of time from a cosmetic satisfaction and biological stability perspective.

Peg teeth before and after

Take a look at some of our pictures for peg lateral teeth before and after veneers in our Smile Gallery.

We also have categories showing patients that we have treated with veneers for a wide range of issues, including other forms of problematic laterals.

Notice for this patient how the size and shape of the lateral incisor has improved and it now blends in with the surrounding teeth much better.


Do I need to shave my teeth down?

For all our treatments, and in particular for peg laterals, there is no need to shave the teeth down to stumps, as seen in dental tourism and on social media trends such as Turkey Teeth. We have developed conservative methods that preserve natural tooth structure by designing the ceramic to be as thin as 0.3mm. This allows us to save your natural teeth and simply add the ceramic to the peg laterals, ensuring their health and long-term vitality.

How much does peg lateral treatment cost?

Peg lateral incisor veneers cost from £995 per tooth. This makes them one of the more affordable treatment options for peg teeth.

If your incisors are too small to receive veneers, at your consultation we will advise you on alternative options such as dental implants or bridges

Veneers at our Smile Clinic

If you have peg lateral incisors and you want your smile improved, then get in touch with our clinic and we would love to speak to you at a consultation. We will have a meeting with you and examine your teeth to identify whether you are a suitable candidate for veneers.

If so, then we can proceed with treatment. If not, then we will talk you through what other options we have at our disposal to give you the best smile possible.

Can braces fix peg teeth?

This depends on your specific teeth. Braces may be able to reduce the gaps between your teeth, but your Generally, peg laterals are a problem relating to the development of the teeth themselves, not the positioning. Braces would not change the underlying shape of the natural teeth, so we very rarely advise braces to fix peg laterals.  

Are peg teeth hereditary?

Peg teeth can be hereditary, although there are many other idiopathic reasons why you may have peg teeth too. Idiopathic means that healthcare professionals do not fully understand the reasons for the condition.

This does not mean that if your family have peg teeth then you will definitely have them too, or if you have peg teeth then your children will definitely have them.

Are peg teeth rare?

Peg teeth are quite rare. Studies have shown that around 2% of the population are affected by peg lateral incisors.

What is microdontia?

Microdontia is when you have one or more small teeth. This is similar to pegged teeth, but microdontia is more often diagnosed when there is generalised microdontia across the whole mouth.