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Marylebone Smile Clinic
66 Harley Street, London W1G 7HD
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Can Veneers Fall Out? Managing Damaged Veneers

A nightmare that occurs at the worst of times… at Christmas time, on holiday or at a social event. No one wants to think about the idea that their teeth or veneers fall off unexpectedly. The impact this can have on your confidence at the time and going forwards can be dramatically reduced.

We hope we can ease your panic when and if this occurs for you.

Is it common for veneers to fall out?

Firstly, it is quite rare for porcelain veneers to fall off, and this varies based on how experienced and how technically competent your dentist is. Always search for a dentist that does the procedure you are looking for regularly and ask about their success rates for veneers. Ours is based on 5000 veneers and is at a 98% success.

Why do veneers fall out?

The times veneers come away is for four reasons

•            Injury, blunt or sharp impact from food or external objects

•            Grinding, clenching or another higher than average bite force

•            Issue with the method of fitment of the veneer

•            Long-term breakdown of the adhesive layer between the veneer and tooth

The specific reason for your veneer coming off is relevant as it will give some indication as to the root problem, such that when your dentist sees you, the corrective action is clear.

Why do veneers become loose?

It can be a failure of the chemical bond to the tooth, or to the ceramic – it is mostly due to the former, as this is a more technique critical aspect of cosmetic dentistry.

However, veneers tend not to become loose before they come away completely. The reason is that the chemical bond between the tooth and ceramic is a union that if placed beyond its yield stress, will deform entirely and cause a debonding scenario, which is a technical term for a veneer falling off.

  • Myth 1) Loose Veneers: The times a veneer feels loose is in fact the veneer has already come away, it is just held in place passively by the adjacent teeth and friction of the close-fitting surface.
  • Myth 2) Loose Veneers: Veneers that are loose are not a sign of tooth wear or veneer wear. The four clear and established reasons are the only causes. Teeth and veneers wear with time, but this does not create the veneer to loosen unless there is a higher than average bite force, bite imbalance, blunt force and or issue with fitment.

If your veneer is loose, the best thing to do is to try and check if it is going to come away imminently, and if so, remove it with two fingers and contact your dentist. If it seems firm to the touch, keep it in place and do not bite on to it at all – wait for instructions on an appointment to see your dentist.

What should I do if my veneers fall out?

We advise that you try and get in touch with your cosmetic dentist as soon as possible so that you can have your teeth fixed and address the reason why your veneers have fallen out.

If you are unable to visit a cosmetic dental clinic immediately, then there a few other options at your disposal that will be touched on in this post.

Treating lost or damaged veneers

Before your appointment – hold on onto the lost veneer, wash it very gently with water and keep it dry. Use tissue in a hard plastic/metal box. Brush your gums and teeth thoroughly before your appointment. Try to avoid extreme temperatures around the tooth that has lost the veneer.

During your appointment – Your veneer dentist will assess the veneer for its fit, integrity and ascertain the cause of why it was lost. He/she will then explain this to give you the option to rebond it or have a new one made entirely. We normally prefer the former if possible as the aesthetics will be resolved immediately. If you choose option two, this can take up to two weeks to be manufactured and you will have a temporary in place until that point.

In the case of a veneer fracture, this can be repaired with ceramic bonding, which is a straightforward but meticulous procedure to repair very small areas of veneered teeth. The integrity of the ceramic that is on the tooth must be assessed prior to doing this. 

After your appointment – you should have an idea as to why the veneer has fell off in the first place, so you will be able to implement any modifications to the advice you received accordingly. If the cause is due to a dentist related error, then you have nothing to change in your habits other than requesting the support from the treating dentist.

Conclusion – do not panic

All of the above options assume you can get to a dentist quickly. What should you do if you are abroad or in a remote setting with no medical or dental care available?

Our cosmetic dentist Dr Sahil Patel has commented with his advice:

“In remote areas of the world medical and dental issues can cause the need for emergency evacuation and significant pain. Did you know the most common reason for evacuation from Antarctica is due to issues relating to tooth pain? The key is to have your teeth assessed before your trip and any questionable areas addressed in a preventative manner. If your veneers come off during a holiday, I advise contacting the clinic for advice on a local dentist they suggest to see as a temporary solution until you return to the UK.”

Dr Sahil Patel

If you have access to a local pharmacy, there are a few eugenol based temporary cements than can be hand mixed at home to temporarily recement the veneer. A word of warning – these cements have very poor adhesive properties, and they should not be relied upon. The chemistry varies brand to brand, and it is not something we advise to do unless under the guidance of a dentist. Contact us for more information.


Can veneers fall out while sleeping or dreaming?

Rarely, but yes if you are a night time teeth grinder. Your dentist will advise if this is the case and provide a protective night guard.

Can you reglue loose veneers?

Yes, provided the integrity of the veneer is acceptable and the cause of the looseness is addressed.

Can veneers be fitted badly?

Yes, the technical abilities of your dental team is critical to the long and short term success. The organic chemistry associated with veneer dentistry is complex, and your cosmetic dentist should have an in depth understanding of this.

Where can I get veneers reglued/refixed/rebonded?

You can visit our clinic in central London, Marylebone Smile Clinic. Alternatives exist in almost every major city in the world in with our vast network and experience of dentists, we can advise on which clinic would be a good option.

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