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Marylebone Smile Clinic
66 Harley Street, London W1G 7HD

Veneers for Overbites

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Dental malocclusion is a group of conditions where the teeth are misaligned, which affects how your teeth are located within your mouth and how they interact when you eat, speak and use your teeth. This can present itself as an overbite, overjet, underbite, overcrowding, or a crossbite.

These are common dental issues, with an overbite being one of the most common example of malocclusion – especially in children. In fact, malocclusion or orthodontic issues as a whole is one of the most frequent reasons why people make an appointment to visit the dentist or orthodontist.

Someone with an overbite who is seeking treatment may not expect it, but porcelain veneers in London are a valid and effective method of bite correction for adults. This will depend on what type of malocclusion a patient has and how severe it is.

Keep reading for more information!

What is an overbite?

The relationship of the top teeth to the bottom teeth should be that the top overlap the bottom teeth. There are normal levels to what is considered ideal, and in overbites, this vertical overlap is increased, which is referred to as an increased overbite. This can also be reduced, incomplete or open.

An increased overbite is not a good position of teeth as it puts more strain on the lower incisors, accelerating their rate of breakage and wear. A reduced overbite can be problematic as it puts more force onto the back teeth. An openbite causes aesthetic and speech problems and is also a malocclusion that often requires fixing. It is worth understanding that an overjet is the horizontal overlap between the top and bottom teeth. This can also be increased, reduced and in reverse.


What causes an overbite?

Overbites can be hereditary, relating to growth phases in adolescence or by teeth grinding. There are external factors that can cause overjets too, such as sucking on thumbs or dummies during childhood.

These external factors are most dangerous during childhood development, when the application of force behind the upper teeth can push them forwards so that they extend over the lower teeth by a large percentage and then continue to grow in this direction.

However, some level of overbite is completely normal so do not panic if you have a relatively minor overbite when you close your teeth together. Generally speaking, as long as your top teeth overlap the bottom teeth by no more than one third of the tooth height, then your overbite is completely normal.

How to fix an overbite without braces

While braces are a common method of treating overbites as a child, ceramics, veneers, crowns, and even surgery are very effective as an adult. It allows correction and compensation of the overbite as well as addressing other aspects such as colour, shape and overall balance of the smile.

How to fix an overbite is dependent on the severity of bite correction needed. Braces can take several years to reach the desired results and during this period, the patient will be living in some form of discomfort.

For patients with minor, moderate and severe overbites who desire treatment, veneers or ceramics can be a much better form of treatment at an adult stage of life. From the initial consultation, the patient will have their desired dental aesthetics within just a few weeks with veneers for their overbite, as opposed to years with braces.

Patients with severe overbites that are a result of skeletal structure may need orthognathic surgery to correct their bite. This may even be paired with tooth extraction. After this, the patient may be eligible for either braces or veneers, depending on their specific situation.

How much does overbite correction cost in the UK?

Overbite correction in the UK can vary by treatment type and provider.

For example, braces are free for children on the NHS. For adults, braces will need to be sought from a private orthodontist. This can range from £2000-£6000+ depending on provider, design of brace and the severity of the patient’s case.

If a patient chooses and is eligible for ceramics then this cost could decrease significantly. At Marylebone Smile Clinic, our price for veneers starts from £995 per tooth.


Overbite consultation with a cosmetic dentist

The only way to tell whether you will be eligible for veneers is to have a consultation with an experienced, knowledgeable and accredited cosmetic dentist. By contacting us here at Marylebone Smile Clinic, we can closely examine at your bite and advise you on what potential treatment methods you have at your disposal. We may even be able to take an initial look at your teeth through looking at a picture or a video.

We find veneers an ceramics to be an incredibly versatile and safe treatment, with an assortment of uses. For example, we can treat peg laterals and provide worn down front tooth treatment using veneers, among others.

If you have any cosmetic issues with your teeth, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with Marylebone Smile Clinic and we will let you know how we can help.


What is the correct bite alignment?

The correct alignment for dental bite is when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth in a vertical direction by one third to one half of the lower teeth (normal overbite). The angulation (proclination) of the upper teeth should be 9 degrees tipped forward and the lower teeth are approximately upright in contrast. The upper teeth should overlap the lowers in a horizontal direction of 2-3mm (overjet).

Is an overbite bad?

While a small overbite is completely normal, an increased overbite that overlaps the lower teeth by more than a third of the tooth height is bad and can have negative consequences on your teeth and smile. Specifically, it can accelerate tooth wear, breakage, drift and generally shorten the lifespan of teeth.

Can you get veneers if you have an overbite?

Veneers can be applied for patients with minor, moderate and occasionally severe overbites. If the overbite is too severe, then orthodontic treatments may be required before we can use veneers or ceramics.

How do you get rid of an overbite?

The best treatment for you will be dependent on your individual case and degree of overbite. You may need braces, surgery, tooth extraction, or veneers to get rid of or lessen your overbite. A comprehensive examination is advisable with an experienced and accredited cosmetic dentist.