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Marylebone Smile Clinic
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Phlebotomy and its role in dentistry

What is phlebotomy?

Phlebotomy, also known as venepuncture, is a simple process in which a qualified phlebotomist makes a small puncture into a patient’s vein to withdraw blood from the body. This is a very common procedure throughout dental healthcare and extremely routine. It also plays a very important part when assisting a dental professional to diagnose patients.

What treatments benefit from phlebotomy in dentistry?

Blood contains plasma, and plasma aids our body in its healing process following dental treatments such as extractions, oral surgery, dental implant placement, bone grafts and sinus lifts. The use of taking blood during these dental treatments is to recycle the plasma element of the blood and then directly place into the area the implant or cosmetic dentist is working on during the procedure. It proven by research to help aid bone growth, speed up the healing process, repair gum tissue, stimulates tissue regeneration and recycle the best part of you!

How does the process work?

The phlebotomist will carry out venepuncture and take around 4-6 vials of blood from the patient. The vials of blood are then placed into a centrifuge which separates the blood cells/platelets (red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma) from each other. The plasma is then extracted from the vial and is ready to be placed onto the site that your implant or cosmetic dentist is working on, and the plasma/platelet concentrate acts as a ‘protective membrane’, helping you ensure you receive all the benefits of healing and optimise oral health. This system is called Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF/PRF) and is commonly used in all implant treatments including All-On-4.

Is it worth it?

According to research, plasma aided healing is proven to be extremely successful in many aspects of healthcare, including dentistry. From a patient’s point of view, the less time we take to heal, the better, and this is what PRGF/PRF assists with.

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